19 June 2010

A Few Words about Fast Food

Morgan Spurlock: What is this a picture of?
Child: I don't know. George W. Bush?
[Morgan shows the camera that it is actually a picture of Jesus]

Fast Food is so often given a bad reputation by the health mongers of the world, and more often than not, I agree with them.  I think it's sad that a kid would think that G.W. is actually J.C. and that they would be more apt to recognize Ronald McDonald than the president.  But I'm not here to wax poetic on the evils of sodium and preservative-enriched dog food; I'm here to talk about what's great about franchisees!
One of the best inventions in the fast food world was the ability to franchise.  It allows a person with the drive but not the means to open their own restaurant to do so.  Franchises come with built-in customers and demographics, well-known menus and gimmicks and histories.  It's up to the owner of each franchise to make their store their own and make it profitable.  I have to specifically mention two franchises in the Dublin area.  

First is the Burger King at Sawmill & Bethel.  I'm not sure if the management specifically targets applicants for their sense of humour and jovial attitude, but everytime I go in, no matter who waits on me, I always end up smiling.  They are SO FRIENDLY!  The menu is generic Burger King menu, however, they do one thing that I absolutely love: Everytime I order a large water, they actually give me a large water.  None of this kids-cup here's your free-freaking-water bullcrap, no.  LARGE CUP barelyfitsinthecupholder FREE WATER!  Amazing.  

Next is Dublin Dairy Queen at Sawmill & Emerald Parkway.  Dublin DQ used to be located in the richer part of Dublin on Avery-Muirfield Road.  When rent skyrocketed in that newer shopping center, owner Tim Tanner was forced to relocate to an old worn-down shopping center north of Hard Road.  He kept his spirits up though, and despite a poor economy and a shrewish wife, Dublin DQ is still hanging on.  They pay their employees fairly, even above what normal fast food kids make, and you are always guaranteed hours.  The menu is just as diverse as any other DQ, except at this one you are always able to order a BBQ pork sandwich and fried mushrooms if you desire.  Those are two local items that not all Dairy Queens offer!  I happen to love the mushrooms... just don't eat them right away - they have to sit a few minutes to cool down otherwise your taste buds will be burned right off your tongue.  The best thing about Dublin Dairy Queen isn't the food or the atmosphere or the employees - it's the owner himself.  Tim Tanner has been an essential part of the Dublin community for over 15 years.  He's a staple at the Irish festival every August, he donates time and treats to local charity events, and he provides rewards and parties in ice cream form to children in most, if not all, of the Dublin schools.  Everyone in Dublin knows Tim!

My point is, the next time you are hungry for fast food, think about "the little people" who put their financial lives on the line for your satisfaction, and try to choose a franchised retaurant.  Despite being "big namers", they are truly a part of the community and should be looked at with the same type of respect and regard as most mom & pop shops.

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